Why it’s smart to change WordPress login URL
By default, WordPress sites all use identical URL structures for this page. If your website’s domain is www.mysite.com, for example, you can log in by visiting www.mysite.com/wp-login.php or www.mysite.com/wp-admin.
This makes it easy to remember how to access the site. The downside, however, is that anyone who knows the first thing about WordPress can quickly find your login page. Once they’ve found it, the hackers can get busy trying to break in. If you change the URL to something hard to guess, on the other hand, you’re going to slow down the same hackers by making your login page more difficult to find.
In addition , changing your login page URL has a secondary benefit in that it can eliminate a lot of bot-waste traffic on your site.
To change WordPress login URL, we recommend WPS Hide Login:

Once installed and activated, you will have a new option under your general settings in which you can simply enter the new slug you want the login fields to live. Go to either Settings > General or Settings > WPS Hide Login to change it. Both of them take you to the same place.

Do you have any questions about how to change your WordPress login page URL? Tell us in the comments section below!
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