What Counts as Spam? Why Get Rid of It?
It must be noted that many spammers are spammers that post links and continue to WordPress websites automatically.
You can browse harmful websites, which may provide you with viruses.
It is easy to submit these comments and rapidly increase if you are not watching the Comments area.
With many spam comments and bots on your website, the quality of your website will decline, and your search engines may even exclude your material.
After all, Google will not recommend malware or virus-linked content.
So, how can WordPress stop spam?
Top Tips to Stop Spam on WordPress Websites
Here are some actionable ways that you can combat spammers and stop spam on WordPress.
Comment Moderation
Not all comments are left by spam bots. Some have been contributed by genuine persons. Poor writing and links to suspicious-looking websites are indicators that a remark was made by a human spammer.
These sorts of remarks are difficult to prevent since humans can readily bypass reCaptcha. These remarks can have a significant impact on your SEO and page rank, therefore they must be addressed.
Comment moderation is a simple technique to prevent this type of spam on WordPress.
It is as simple as going to your WordPress settings and enabling comment moderation. When comment moderation is enabled, no comments are posted unless an administrator authorizes them. Each remark must be carefully reviewed, ensuring that spam comments do not get through the cracks.
If you receive more comments than you have time to monitor, you may use a plugin to help. Plugins that deal with spam comments eliminate the need for manual moderation. They can also prevent questionable queries to your website and allow administrators to build blacklists for spam users who make repeat attempts.
Email Blacklists
In addition to content moderation, there is also the option to create email blacklists.
You can create lists of individual email addresses or entire email domains. This will block anyone with these emails from signing up or commenting on your WordPress website.
An email blacklist plugin is a great way to keep spammers out of your site.
reCaptcha Verification

reCaptcha is a system that distinguishes between bots and people on websites.
CAPTCHA is an acronym that stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Distinguish Between Computers and Humans (thank god for acronyms!). Most users will recognize reCAPTCHA as a tiny box with a tick next to the text “I am not a robot.” You may have also encountered exams in which you are asked to identify a certain item, such as stoplights or fire hydrants, and choose all photos that include it.
Because bots cannot finish reCaptcha tests, they are an excellent technique for preventing spam on WordPress. If a test is failed, the next one is more difficult than the prior one. reCaptcha eliminates bots, allowing your WordPress to be spam-free.
Remove Website URLs and Disable Comments
Many comment forms contain a url box, which effectively invites spammers to post harmful material links to comments. Allowing urls in your comments eliminates this simply and makes it more difficult for spammers to post their own stuff.
Having media attachments such as pictures is excellent for WordPress websites, but it also invites spammers.
Because comments are permitted on attachment pages when an image is linked to them, it is critical to block comments on media attachments in the WordPress settings.
Additionally, it is a good idea to deactivate any HTML comments so that no spam links may be concealed in comments by users. This is also a backend setting that may be altered.
To prevent spam on WordPress, it’s also a good idea to set a minimum and maximum comment length. Spammers can’t leave one-word comments like “Hi” or reams of incomprehensible text this way.
Stop Spam in a Few Simple Steps

The techniques mentioned above are quick and easy strategies to prevent spammers from taking over your comment sections (or your entire WordPress website!). Spam is not only irritating; it may also hurt your search rankings, therefore it’s critical to keep an eye on it.
Comment moderation implies that spam comments are not shown on your WordPress website. These spam comments are removed in bulk in the backend of your website, and any excellent comments that were mistakenly tagged as spam can be recovered.
Aside from the capabilities provided by WordPress, an anti-spam plugin may be a good investment in ridding your website of spam, of which there are many distinct types.
There are WordPress plugins that only deal with comment spam, and others that make sure spam bots don’t get past your login procedure.
Spam can be a major concern for WordPress websites, so selecting an anti-spam plugin that works for you is always a smart idea.